Surviving Family Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Most of us adore the joy and family time of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, and yet holidays also bring with them some unique challenges.

Almost all of the couples that we are coaching will spend some time this month planning and strategizing how they can survive the holiday with extended family. Let’s face it; there are joys and heartaches that happen when we get together with family.

How you navigate these issues as a couple will dramatically impact your marriage. We’ve seen couples navigate it poorly and others who manage to help each other feel supported and safe at the in-law’s home. Join us as we talk about not just how to survive family get-togethers but how to thrive as a couple!

Do you have any family traditions that help you stay connected through the holidays? 

What about a special holiday date night? Share your traditions or ideas in the comments! 

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